
Hear from experts working to reduce firearm injury

Peer-Reviewed Article

Criminal Behavior in Frontotemporal Dementia and Alzheimer Disease

Liljegren, M., Naasan, G., Temlett, J., et al.
JAMA Neurology, 2015

This paper looks at patients with different subsets of patients with dementia and stratifies the risk of criminal behavior.

Peer-Reviewed Article

Violent Reinjury and Mortality Among Youth Seeking Emergency Department Care for Assault-Related Injury: A 2-Year Prospective Cohort Study

Cunningham, R. M., Carter, P. M., Ranney, M., et al.
JAMA Pediatrics, 2015

This paper looks at recidivism rates in youth who were victims of assault-related injury.

Peer-Reviewed Article

Nonfatal Gun Use in Intimate Partner Violence: A Systematic Review of the Literature

Sorenson, S. B., & Schut, R. A.
Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 2016

This studies examines the use of firearms in nonfatal events of abuse against women.

Peer-Reviewed Article

Firearm ownership and acquisition in California: findings from the 2018 California Safety and Well-being Survey.

Kravitz-Wirtz, N., Pallin, R., Miller, M., et al.
Injury Prevention, 2019

This study explores recent characteristics of firearm ownership as well as acquisition in California.

Peer-Reviewed Article

“Hey, let me hold your guns for a while”: A qualitative study of messaging for firearm suicide prevention

Pallin, R., Siry, B., Azrael, D., et al.
Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 2019

This paper studies strategies for engaging at-risk individuals in conversations about firearm safety in a way that is respectful and culturally sensitive.

Peer-Reviewed Article

Firearms Risk Management in Psychiatric Care

Sherman, M. E., Burns, K., Ignelzi, J., et al.
Psychiatric Services., 2001.

Article that assessed the effectiveness of the firearms risk management program at the Twin Valley Psychiatric System of the Ohio Department of Mental Health.

External Resource

The myth of “imminent” violence in psychiatry and the law

Article elucidating the definition of "imminent" violence as used in psychiatry and the law, and why it is an inaccurate use of the term.

Peer-Reviewed Article

Firearm Laws, Patients, and the Roles of Psychiatrists

Norris, D. M., Price, M., Gutheil, T., et al.
American Journal of Psychiatry., 2006.

Article examining the differences in firearms statutes across the US to highlight the responsibility of clinicians in understanding firearms statutes and restrictions for their mental health and/or substance abuse patients.

Peer-Reviewed Article

Clinical Psychologists’ Firearm Risk Management Perceptions and Practices

Traylor, A., Price, J. H., Telljohann, S. K., et al.
Journal of Community Health., 2010.

Study that investigated the perceptions of firearm safety issues and mental health among clinical psychologists and their practices of engaging in firearm risk management with their mental health patients.

Peer-Reviewed Article

Access to firearms: When and how do mental health clients become prohibited from owning guns?

Barnhorst, A., & Kagawa, R. M. C.
Psychological Services., 2018.

A review of three clinical cases examining firearm legislation as it pertains to firearm ownership in people with mental illness.

Peer-Reviewed Article

Gun Violence, Mental Illness, And Laws That Prohibit Gun Possession: Evidence From Two Florida Counties

Swanson, J. W., Easter, M. M., Robertson, A. G., et al.
Health Affairs., 2016.

Article that explores gun-related suicide and perpetration of violence in people with serious mental illness, as well as the effectiveness of gun violence prevention by legal restrictions on firearm sales to people with a mental health history through two large Florida population studies.

External Resource

Suicide rising across the US

Resource addressing the multifactorial causes of rising suicide rates in the US and ways to prevent suicide at each societal level.

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