
Hear from experts working to reduce firearm injury

Peer-Reviewed Article

Recommendations from the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma’s Firearm Strategy Team (FAST) Workgroup: Chicago Consensus I

Talley, C.L., Campbell, B.T., Jenkins, D.H., et al.
The Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 2019

This report by the American College of Surgeons Firearm Strategy Team (FAST) Workgroup encourages dialogues about firearm safety to involve firearm owners' input.

Peer-Reviewed Article

AAST Statement on Firearm Injury

The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) Board of Managers
The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 2018

Statement by the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma on strengthening firearm safety.

Peer-Reviewed Article

Reducing Firearm Injuries and Deaths in the United States: A Position Paper from the American College of Physicians

Butkus, R., Doherty, R., & Bornstein, S.S.
Annals of Internal Medicine , 2018

The American College of of Physicians build and expand on their prior statements and recommendations addressing firearm-related injuries and deaths as a public health crisis.

Peer-Reviewed Article

Firearm-related Injury and Death in the United States: A Call to Action from 8 Health Professional Organizations and the American Bar Association

Weinberger, S.E., Hoyt, D.B., Lawrence, H.C. 3rd, et al.
Annals of Internal Medicine , 2015

Seven physician professional societies representing most U.S. physicians come together in this article to provide their recommendations on limiting firearm violence.

Peer-Reviewed Article

Rates of Violence in Patients Classified as High Risk by Structured Risk Assessment Instrument

Singh, J.P., Fazel, S., Gueorguieva, R., et al.
The British Journal of Psychiatry , 2014

This paper found that the rate of violence in individuals classified as high risk by structured risk assessment instruments (SRAIs) shows substantial variation, highlighting the need for caution when using this data to inform governance.

Peer-Reviewed Article

Mental Health Professionals’ Duty to Warn

National Conference of State Legislatures

This resource details state-specific laws regarding mental health professionals' duty to disclose information about patients who may become violent.

Peer-Reviewed Article

Effects of Risk-based Firearm Seizure Laws in Connecticut and Indiana on Suicide Rates, 1981-2015

Kivisto, A.J., & Phalen, P.L.
Psychiatry Services, 2018

This study examining the effects of firearm seizure laws in two states found long-term reduced population-level firearm suicide rates.

Peer-Reviewed Article

Implementation and Effectiveness of Connecticut’s Riskbased Gun Removal Law: Does it Prevent Suicides?

Swanson, J.W., Norko, M.A., Lin, H.J., et al.
Law and Contemporary Problems , 2017

This paper looks at the effectiveness of state laws in Connecticut that aim to remove firearms from at-risk individuals on reducing firearm related death.

Peer-Reviewed Article

American College of Physicians Ethics, Professionalism, and Human Rights Committee. American College of Physicians ethics manual: sixth edition

Snyder, L.
Annals of Internal Medicine , 2012

The American College of Physicians (ACP) Ethics Manual covers emerging issues in medical ethics.

Peer-Reviewed Article

The American Medical Association code of medical ethics’ opinions on disclosing diagnoses to patients

The American Medical Association

Medical ethics on informed consent and withholding information from patients.

Peer-Reviewed Article

Do partners with children know about firearms in their home? Evidence of a gender gap and implications for practitioners

Coyne-Beasley, T., Baccaglini, L., Johnson, R.M., et al.
Pediatrics, 2005

This paper looking at heterosexual couples' reporting of firearm ownership and storage found several gender gaps in the reporting of firearm ownership with regard to the number and type of firearms owned.

Peer-Reviewed Article

“Is there a gun in the home?” Assessing the Risks of Gun Ownership in Older Adults

Pinholt, E.M., Mitchell, J.D., Butler, J.H., et al.
Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 2014

Given that the highest rate of gun ownership in America in in those who are 65 and older, this paper focuses on the importance of addressing safe gun ownership in the elderly population.

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