
Hear from experts working to reduce firearm injury

External Resource

The Coronavirus Crisis: The Impact on Gun Violence

This American Health Podcast feature experts talking about how the rates of gun violence could be impacted by the difficult circumstances Americans are facing, including social isolation, loss of work and wages, and fear.

The American Health Podcast is created by the Bloomberg American Health Initiative, a project of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
External Resource

Gun Storage Map

A map of Colorado gun storage options developed to help those seeking a temporary, voluntary location for firearm storage.

External Resource

Reducing Firearm Injuries and Deaths: Summary of a Position Paper from the American College of Physicians

Key recommendations from the position paper on reducing firearms injuries and deaths from the American College of Physicians (ACP) published in the Annals of Internal Medicine on November 20, 2018.

External Resource

Patient Handout

A UC Davis resource from the What You Can Do Project that helps the general public assess firearm safety at home.

The UC Davis What You Can Do Project is a prevention initiative that engages health care providers in clinical strategies for reducing firearm injury and death.
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Firearm Violence

The California Medical Association (CMA) convened the Firearm Violence Prevention Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), composed of physician experts to identify opportunities and resources that may aid physicians in addressing firearm violence as a public health issue. In addition to a policy statement, the TAC compiled ways for physicians to get involved.

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Means Matter

The mission of the Means Matter Campaign is to increase the proportion of suicide prevention groups who promote activities to reduce access to lethal means of suicide and who develop active partnerships with gun owner groups to prevent suicide.

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Online source through the American Medical Association (AMA) Ed Hub to explore the latest in firearm science, including the epidemiology of firearm homicide and suicides and the politics of gun safety science.

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Reducing Gun Violence in America: Informing Policy with Evidence and Analysis

This book contains a collection of research and analysis by John Hopkins University on policy changes that address mass shootings, along with less-publicized gun violence.

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Firearm Safety Among Children & Teens Consortium (FACTS)

Firearm Safety Among Children and Teens (FACTS) consortium organizes an annual research symposium to bring attention and focus to the current science and research on the prevention of firearm injury in children and teens.

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State Laws and Published Ordinances – Firearms (33rd Edition)

The 33rd Edition of the State Laws and Published Ordinances is designed to help federal firearms licensees (FFLs) comply with federal and state firearm laws, specifically with the Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA).

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Gun Policy in America

Resources for policymakers, researchers, and the general public to access information on the effects of gun policies based upon scientific research.

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California Gun Laws

This webpage outlines California's gun laws and suggests how California can further strengthen its gun regulations.

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