
Hear from experts working to reduce firearm injury

External Resource

Safer Homes, Suicide Aware

Safer Homes, Suicide Aware is a public health campaign offering trainings to medical providers, firearms retailers, pharmacy professionals, and training providers on suicide prevention.

External Resource

Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)

Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) provides video materials to increase the knowledge and expertise of suicide prevention practitioners and other professionals serving people at risk for suicide.

External Resource

Firearm Injury Prevention

A series of videos that teach pediatric resident physicians about firearm injury prevention and safety counseling.

External Resource

Firearm Violence: Policy, Prevention & Public Health

A course by the Massachusetts Medical Society, which includes archived presentations from policy leaders, researchers, and public health experts that provide research and information impacting gun violence prevention policies and programs.

Peer-Reviewed Article

Health Systems Interventions to Prevent Firearm Injuries and Death: Proceedings of a Workshop

Wojtowicz, A., French, M., & Alper, J.

The Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine focus on evidence and best practices utilized by health systems and health care professionals in preventing firearm injuries.

External Resource

What You Can Do

Resources for health care providers to identify risks, counsel at-risk patients, and reduce firearm injury.

External Resource

Firearm Suicide Prevention

Flyer on firearm suicide prevention by the Utah Firearm Safety/Suicide Prevention Coalition.

External Resource

Is Your Safety On?

Temporary transfer of firearms for those at risk of suicide. Adapted by the Utah Firearm Safety/Suicide Prevention Coalition in partnership with The Speedy Foundation.

External Resource

Now More Than Ever | Gun Safety | Ad Council

PSA by Ad Council on safe gun storage in homes with kids to make homes safer and save lives.

External Resource

CSN’s Firearm Safety: Resource Guide

A resource guide on firearm safety and firearm violence prevention containing evidence-informed interventions, firearms data, state legislation about firearms, and organizations to contact for additional information.

External Resource

Project ChildSafe: Educational Materials

Guidelines, online brochures, and safety kit request for parents with access to a firearm.

External Resource

Asking Saves Kids

Asking parents and guardians questions about the presence of a firearm in the home can save childrens' lives.

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