Hear from experts working to reduce firearm injury
Episode 2 – Epidemiology of Firearm Violence
In the second episode of our series, Dr. Garen Wintemute discusses the epidemiology of firearm injury and death in the United States.
PDFFolleto de Almacenamiento Seguro de Armas de Fuego
Descargue e imprima este folleto sobre el almacenamiento seguro de armas de fuego para enviarlo a casa con sus pacientes.
VideoMini-Symposium Webinar
Hosted on March 16, 2020, the mini-symposium webinar introduces The BulletPoints Project and provides a preview of the curricula and tools we are developing when it comes to counseling patients on firearm injury.
VideoEpisode 1 – What You Can Do
In the first talk of the BulletPoints Webinar Series, Rocco Pallin covers how to have informed and respectful conversations with patients about the risks of firearm access and how to reduce that risk.
PDFSafe Storage Brochure (English, B&W)
Download and print this printer-friendly brochure on safe firearm storage to send home with your patients.
PDFSafe Storage Brochure (English, Color Printing)
Download and print this brochure on safe firearm storage to send home with your patients.
External ResourceR.E.A.C.H
A suicide prevention coaching tool from the Department of Veterans Affairs. This resource teaches how to reach to help someone in need and it teaches how to reach to help ourselves in times of crisis.
Make the Connection
Online resource in partnership with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs designed to connect Veterans, their family members and friends, and other supporters with information, resources, and solutions to issues affecting their lives.
This continuing education course on veteran suicide prevention was developed in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs and is presented by Dr. Megan McCarthy, Deputy Director, Suicide Prevention.
Reducing Firearm & Other Household Safety Risks for Veterans and Their Families
A brochure for Veterans Means Safety. If you own a firearm, or live in a household where there are firearms, the following information can help keep you and those around you safe.
Instructor Guide (Word): Butterworth et al. (2020)
External ResourceThe Danger of a Single Story
In this TED Talk, novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her authentic cultural voice and warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding.