
Hear from experts working to reduce firearm injury

External Resource

2020 National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report

This report reviews and analyzes Veteran suicide data from 2005 to 2018, overall and across categories, including the number of suicide deaths, the average number of suicides per day, suicide rates by race and ethnicity, and data in the situational context of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.

External Resource

The Patterns Behind Mass Shootings and the Creation of The Violence Project

In this podcast, Dr. Jillian Peterson, President and Co-Founder of The Violence Project, joins The Ontic Protective Intelligence Podcast with Fred Burton to discuss pathways to violence and the prevention of mass shootings.

External Resource

The Task Force on Mass Shootings and Assault Weapons

This report reviews and provides recommendations on firearm legislation, the connection between domestic violence and mass shootings and between mental health and mass shootings, and the regulation of the sale and transfer of guns, accessories, and ammunition.

External Resource

A Guide for Parents- Mental Health and Preventing Unauthorized Access to Firearms

A parents' guide on how to approach mental health care and suicide prevention with children detailing the warning signs, appropriate responses, and safety steps for addressing lethal means access.

Peer-Reviewed Article

Evaluation of a Hospital-based Youth Violence Intervention

De Vos, E., Stone, D. A., Goetz, M. A., et al.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine., 1996.

This study examines an intervention, a violence-prevention consultation, for hospital-based youth victims of nondomestic violence.

External Resource

DBT Firearm Lethal Means Safety Counseling Teaching Notes

Provider manual of multi-session dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) treatment intervention for clinicians working with clients at risk for suicide by firearms

External Resource

DBT Firearm Lethal Means Safety Counseling Handouts and Worksheets

Handouts and worksheets of multi-session dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) treatment intervention for clinicians working with clients at risk for suicide by firearms

Peer-Reviewed Article

Staying Out of the Way: Perceptions of Digital Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Services, Barriers, and Access to Care Among Young Black Male Survivors of Firearm Violence

Richardson, J. B., Wical, W., Kottage, N., et al.
The Journal of Primary Prevention., 2020

This study looks at addressing transportation as a secondary barrier faced by low-income young Black male survivors of violent injury trying to access CBT and mentoring services through HVIPs.

Peer-Reviewed Article

SAFER brief community intervention: a primary suicide prevention strategy to improve firearm and medication storage behaviour

Stuber, P. J., Massey, A., Meadows, M., et al.
Injury Prevention., 2020

This study examined an intervention called Signpost, Assess, Facts, Emotion, Recommend (SAFER) designed to motivate changes in behavior to securely store firearms and medications to prevent future suicide. It determined the feasability to implement the intervention in community-based settings such as gun shows, and aiming at high risk individuals for suicide such as veterans and middle-aged men.

Peer-Reviewed Article

Gun-Related and Other Violent Crime After Involuntary Commitment and Short-Term Emergency Holds

Swanson, J. W., Tong, G., Robertson A. G., et al.
Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law., 2020

This article examines the long-term risk of firearm-related and other violent crime in a large sample of adults with serious mental illness in Florida while also exploring policy implications.

Peer-Reviewed Article

Increases in Actual Health Care Costs and Claims After Firearm Injury

Ranney, M. L., Herges, C., Metcalfe, L., et al.
Annals of Internal Medicine., 2020

This before-after study explored the burden of firearm injury on the healthcare system.

Peer-Reviewed Article

Older Firearm Owners and Advance Planning: Results of a National Survey

Betz, E. M., Miller, M., Matlock, D. D., et al.
Annals of Internal Medicine., 2020

A national survey describing the frequency of advance planning to transfer firearms to someone else by older firearm owners if they cannot handle them safely in the future, or pass away.

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